Food Aid Help for the Unemployed

For those of you facing sobriety from the government’s teat the The Detroit News is reporting that anyone in Michigan who is collecting food benefits from the state can apply in writing by Wednesday, July 21st to get their benefit amount increased by August.

For readers even more confused than I am trying to dig through the Bridge Card system I believe that you need to use this form to contact the State of Michigan because you are experiencing a change in income from a loss of unemployment benefits.  This should allow for an adjustment in your food allowance given to you by the state.

Check out Michigan’s Department of Human Services which is in charge of the Bridge Card system that dispenses payment to people.  From here you can do a inquiry to see if you or your family qualify for food assistance with the State of Michigan.  We’re planning on digging more into this system in the coming weeks to help our readers out, as many people collecting unemployment qualify for this system also.