The MI Talent Bank is Dead Long Live Pure Michigan Talent Conect

mi talent bank deadFor the millions familiar with the unemployment process in Michigan you will know that you needed to have your resume on the MI Talent Bank.

As part of the new Pure Michigan branding the new resume portal for the state of Michigan is now the Pure Michigan Talent Connect and it can be found at

http://mitalent.orgPure Michigan Connect

The new site appears to have a better interface, but the most useful feature to help job seekers in Michigan will simply be economic growth that requires hiring workers not a new web portal.

Also something to note is that this new portal is maintained by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, and the old Talent Bank was maintained by MI Works! so maybe the MEDC will have better success in getting employers to follow through with hiring.

As of 10/2/12 the site is actually completely busted, pretty much nothing works.

A stroll down memory lane.

Here are a couple of old screenshots of the Talent Bank site so you can properly remember it. It used to have a job opening number, and a number of people looking for work. The new Pure Michigan Talent seems to only highlight the job postings.mi talent bank dead

June 2010

MI Talent Bank openings

July 2010

MI talent bank July 2010