Idaho Identity Verification with help

How to Verify Idaho Unemployment IDOL Identity Verification with ID.Me

The state of Idaho Department of Labor (IDOL) unemployment system has revamped how to verify your identity for PUA unemployment benefits payments for the Idaho unemployment insurance benefits system.

Due to rampant unemployment fraud, the state created new verification of identity of unemployment claims.

It started requiring mandatory identity verification for new unemployment claims, and in many cases requiring open claims to verify, or re-verify their identity to the Idaho Unemployment Insurance benefits system.

Understandably this still had some exposed weakness like identity verification in Vegas Vacation.

How do I register for Idaho Identity Verification with ID.Me?

You should have received an email or letter from IDOL directing you to a URL for

You will need:

  • An email address that you have full and ideally sole access too
  • Smart phone with camera
  • Computer or laptop is optional
  • You will also need your form of identification acceptable forms of identification are identity verification help careerpurgatory identity verification help careerpurgatory

Check out this quick video below.

How do I upload identification documents to

First get all of your pieces of documentation ready for your video call, so you can get this process over with as soon as possible.

What is next after I have uploaded my documents?

After you have uploaded your documents or with the help of an Trusted Referee, you will receive another email within 72 hours from IDOL with additional instructions for your unemployment insurance claim.

Career Purgatory is not associated with the State of Idaho IDOL, or Id.Me.