Employment Screening
Recruiter Nightmare Candidates We’ve previously highlighted job interview nightmares, and well sometimes even the recruiters holding the keys to good jobs have nightmare candidates. This…Read more
Vehicle Allowance and Shame of an Older Vehicle Automotive Shaming at Work So this post about an unnamed employer went a bit mad on the…Read more
The state of Texas will now require anyone that is looking to require unemployment benefits to be able to pass a drug test. Displaced workers…Read more
We talked about the growing trend to exclude smokers and tobacco users in general from employment last year. Without a doubt if you use any…Read more
With the news of Facebook going public in the next few days, and the concerns that teenagers are having with the sudden loss of privacy…Read more
Employees that smoke or use tobacco products typically have caved into corporate desires to not smoke or use on the job. The boundaries of what…Read more
Everyone knows that your social security number is to be guarded and not to be handed out without reason. More and more applications online give…Read more
Recently US Representatives have actually Introduced a Bill to Legalize Marijuana in the United States. So the natural question is what would the employment implications…Read more
A company by the name of Social Intelligence Corp. is providing to employers reports on your social media activities as part of the background check…Read more
As anyone searching for a job is all too aware the job process starts and for many applications ends with the internet. Many job seekers…Read more