Immediately AFTER you quit your job


AFTER you quit!

You need to take action after you quit your job. From recent experience I found the following to be crucial.

1. Sign up for health insurance through your previous employers COBRA provider or shop around for Obamacare.

  • A change in employment status allows for a special enrollment period for usually 60 days even if you quit.
  • Shop for health insurance on or sign up for continued health insurance through your previous employers COBRA provider.
  • COBRA will continue your health insurance benefits identical to what they were at your employer you just left however without your employer contributing to the cost the cost spikes up tremendously. It may be cheaper to shop for an independent health care provider however if you intend to start a new job where you would get health insurance then you are really just looking for a band aid for the current situation.

2. Take a mental break of a few days, weeks or months if financially feasible.

  • Understandably this may or may not be needed depending on why you quit.

3. Dust off your LinkedIn account

  • Make sure your resume is up to date.
  • May want to consider the pro version so you can see which recruiters have viewed your page.
  • There are job listings however you can also check a box to tell recruiters you are looking.

4. Review your LinkedIn connections

  • See if you know anyone who might be able to help you take the first steps towards a new career.
  • As the old saying goes – it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

5. Sign up for

  • This job website allows you to upload a resume and share it with recruiters.
  • This allows employers to look for you, while you are looking for them.

6. Sign up for

  • Arguably better than, Indeed allows you to upload your resume and share it.
  • Indeed also has a very good job search function which we use on our site career
  • This allows employers to look for you, while you are looking for them.

We wish you the best of luck on your journey through career purgatory.