COVID-19 Michigan Unemployment
Today the Michigan Governor Whitmer allowed expanded reasons for collecting unemployment benefits to include job displacement because of some COVID-19 Coronavirus issues. Which for those of you who had your job taken away from the Governors orders to close businesses, like movie theaters, gyms, spas and likely more is mild relief, and the least that she could do.
The State is waiving the typical job search requirements out of the goodness of their hearts since well, no one is working. As of 3/17/2020 it also is advising anyone that needs to file to do so remotely online, or by phone.
Check out our historical help for navigating the notoriously archaic unemployment insurance program of Michigan.
For those of you fortunate to have never been on Unemployment Insurance in Michigan below is a quick video showing how it might work.
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Detroit Media Resources – WXYZ, Detroit News.