Colorado Unemployment Insurance Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) and Colorado MyUI+ Unemployment Insurance Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Judging by the flurry of Google users we’ve found there are a typical set of questions that unemployed folks are looking for.  My goal is to make that search for your answer even easier than I’ve made it in the past.  Sadly the Colorado’s own CDLE pages contain little information that is actually helpful to your needs for unemployment benefit navigation and understanding MyUI+, without further ado here is our frequently asked questions for Colorado Unemployment Insurance help. So welcome to our Colorado Unemployment Insurance FAQ.

The Colorado Department of Labor or CDLE oversees Colorado MyUI+ unemployment insurance program.

How do I verify my identification with Colorado Department of Labor using

The article link below will help you understand how to verify your identity with Colorado CDLE using their new system.

Colorado CDLE Identity Verification with ID.Me

How to Log into Colorado MyUI+ for Unemployment as existing claimant

Link below for the video guide on how to log into your MyUI+ account if you already have an existing claim.

How to Log into Colorado MyUI+ for Unemployment as existing claimant

How to Reset Your Password for Colorado MyUI+

This article below will give a video walk through to reset your Colorado MyUI+ password.

How to Reset Your Password for Colorado MyUI+

Where can I find the latest COVID-19 unemployment information?

Check our tag COVID-19 pandemic for the latest updates on unemployment news and how it might affect you.

I am a small business owner or an app “gig” worker that is out of work because of non-essential business status can I file for unemployment?

Yes it appears as the COVID-19 pandemic created massive economic disruption the CARES Act allows that you can file for unemployment benefits, typically that would not be the case. If you are small business owner government forgivable loans may also be available through the Small Business Administration.

How do I complete my required Colorado CDLE search for work requirements?

We have a video tutorial in this post, and the answers on how you can complete you work search requirements for Colorado unemployment insurance.

Colorado CDLE Work search documentation help

Where can I find the official Colorado Your Guide to Unemployment book?

We have embedded the Colorado Your Guide to Unemployment Rev.11292017 for you here:

Do I have to pay taxes on my unemployment benefit?

Yes it is considered income and you will need to set up your tax withholding information for Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments for Federal Income taxes at a minimum.

This also means that come tax filing season you will also need to collect your 1099-G form to submit with your IRS and state tax filings.

Are there any private businesses that offer assistance or discounts for unemployed people?

Yes you can find a list of these businesses here.

What about COBRA do you have some help there?

Yes we have a guide for COBRA here.

Do these answers apply to any other states besides Colorado?

Possibly, we feel that most states have similar unemployment guidelines so this guide is a good approximation to how your state system works.  If you feel inclined to let us know how your state works send us an email at [email protected].  If you want to plug your own website or blog we’ll do that for you.

Did you miss anything relating to unemployment in Colorado?

Probably, but you can feel free to inform us of new developments, errors, or tips to improve our guides by sending an email to [email protected] you can also do this by using our form above.  If that isn’t good enough for you feel free to leave comments for us.  We’ll post updates as often as we figure out new things but feel free to bookmark us and come back.  We have new posts up every week, in the mean time have a look around and support our sponsors.

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Any other unemployment tips for me?

Yes check out our unemployment checklist, it has a great starting point of areas to focus on as you get your bearings collected, money saving ideas, and resources for other benefits often for free.