Twitter Job Search HireFriday

Remember how we told you that Twitter can help you land a job? Here is another way to utilize Twitter for your job search.

HireFriday is a group conversation started by recruiters for the sole purpose of networking with other recruiters and job seekers. Since we know that real networking is the best to land a job. Here is the next step in social networking to accommodate real networking objectives.

Every Friday a group of recruiters get on Twitter to answer questions about jobs, give interview tips, and to answer general networking questions. If you’re looking for a job then you must join the HireFriday Conversation on Twitter by using #hirefriday or #HFChat.

If you happen to miss the conversation then transcripts of these events are kept on the Hire Friday Blog and are quite helpful.

To get a jump start with finding recruiters take a look at our Recruiter List on Twitter.!/Careerpurgatory/recruiters