MARVIN first year anniversary
Congratulations for joining the roughly 17% (check the U-6 number) of the workforce if you’ve made it to the unfortunate milestone of one year on unemployment. You will now have to file unemployment with the State of Michigan again through the MARVIN system; even if you have unclaimed weeks on your claim. It is much like the process you should be familiar with already.
You’ll need to collect your information from your last unemployment application to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row, to file for unemployment again.
Some minor differences though will be that the state does have information regarding payment of your last job. Ironically in some sort of twisted test of your fading memory of work life it will still ask you for your start date and end date of your last employer(s).
You will again need to take your printed confirmation page into the nearest MI Works! branch to get verified for your MARVIN call (again I’ll refer you to here if you need help).
If you have a gap in your new MARVIN appointment time that includes a regular period to certify with MARVIN then you should certify on your “regular” time, not doing this will create a headache for missing a certification, and while you may be able to get paid, it will take you a while to get your money read about that process here. I would suggest just trying to certify each week, either online or through the phone if getting paid is important to you until you are confident in your regular MARVIN schedule.
Sometime in the mail about a week or so you will get a letter stating your ability to collect unemployment. Now if you are like me and see that your payment is an impressive $0.00 you may take a deep breath and relax. You are not eligible for state unemployment because it is maxed out, you are actually collecting Emergency Unemployment Compensation (or EUC as it will say on your payout information) which is funded by Federal Government dollars that are voted on each year. There is some talk of making the Federal Aid permanently much longer.
Anyway you will be able to collect the remainder of your Federal extension at your last rate of unemployment.
Here is to the job search good luck!