If you have unemployment benefits that are approved from the State of California, you will need to certify on a continuous basis to keep getting…Read more
California EDD Unemployment Insurance Benefit FAQ The California unemployment website is very thorough it would benefit from having a breakdown of the items people are…Read more
New York Unemployment Insurance Frequently Asked Questions FAQ The New York unemployment website is very thorough, but it would benefit from having a breakdown of…Read more
Laid off check list. Take a breath, it is going to be okay. Yes we know it is a crazy time. But this will work…Read more
We are most familiar with our home base of Michigan and how the particular unemployment nuances work in Michigan. However the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is…Read more
Today the Michigan Governor Whitmer allowed expanded reasons for collecting unemployment benefits to include job displacement because of some COVID-19 Coronavirus issues. Which for those…Read more
José’ dropped the S from his name and noticed that Joe got many more job interviews than his real name. However our slight judgement here…Read more
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation or MEDC is hosting a program that it calls Shifting Gears to help people change their careers in Michigan. This…Read more
A question that is often asked of unemployment is: Can I work while collecting unemployment? In Michigan the answer is yes, but there are some…Read more
Macomb Community College received a $4.9 million ARRA Grant to train unemployed, underemployed, and displaced workers to enter the defense industry. The one time funds…Read more