I’ve compiled my favorite list of text book resources that will largely benefit college students but high school students will be able to impress their…Read more
One pathway out of career purgatory that seems the most obvious is acquiring a college degree. College like anything else is a commodity. But if…Read more
The storm the other day that I wrote about, here, caused wide spread power outages in the surrounding area of the gas station.
The audacity of people is amazing!
Due to COVID-19 UIA Local Offices closed as of Wednesday, March 18. Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) local offices are closed to the public. These changes will…Read more
The crazy guy from part 1 just entered my station. Guy: Ah, the mind reader is working.
Congratulations for joining the roughly 17% (check the U-6 number) of the workforce if you’ve made it to the unfortunate milestone of one year on…Read more
Granted I know that people from other countries move to the United States but this guy was clearly either on a REALLY long bike ride…Read more
You missed a MARVIN certification, now what? If you miss a MARVIN certification or your weekly MARVIN call, and aren’t sure what to expect; buckle…Read more
There is an older guy that comes in to the station at least once a week. There are a few things you can always count…Read more